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DRDS, in collaboration with Kunwon, win competition for Pangyo Global R+D CenterThe project is positioned at the gateway to the Pangyo Techno-Valley
Campus. The goal is to create a landmark building and invigorate
research facilities through design to attract global companies specialising
in high tech industries such as Biotechnology (BT), Information
Technology (IT) and Green Technology (GT). The primary programmatic component is 19,800 sq m of R+D labs that
serve as company rental and research lab facilities. These manifest in the
design of three separate structures that vary in height depending on need.
The east tower contains wet lab facilities that require specific lab
planning modules, floor-plate configuration and heavy mechanical
support, including
rooftop exhaust. As a multi-tenant research facility, the building is
designed to optimise plan flexibility with smart office space and a
The buildings are connected by multiple atria and connecting walkways,
creating chance opportunities for communication between researchers.
The idea is to promote synergy through cross pollination of various
tenants. The hope is that spontaneous brainstorming can occur,
increasing opportunities for ideation and discovery. This is a proactive
solution that supports wide range goals of achieving greater
education/R+D outcomes
with domestic related companies and other research institutes throughout
the region.
A core element of the project is the main atrium known as the
Forum. It is an arrival space for the project, linking the entire
complex and
creating a zone of influence. It is here that researchers and business
development come together in a public space where individual ideas
contribute to a collective global reality.
The idea is to promote connections between researchers who can
sometimes become isolated in their work. There are additional public
workplace amenities that increase social connection between researchers
for knowledge sharing. These are seen as micro- forums for breakout
gatherings between intimate groups. They are connected to smaller
'breathing atria' that unite the inner architecture and spatial flows with the
outside world. The connective tissue of these zones, highlighted by their transparency, also provide for increased security within the complex.
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